Virgo Rising: The Virgo Soul

Finding our vocation, discovering the place of wholeness where we can fully be and express ourselves through our life’s work, is the highest purpose of Virgo. Before we can do this we have to ‘purify’ the fear-based expressions of Virgo and access the highest love-based expression of this beautiful sign… … More Virgo Rising: The Virgo Soul

It’s Time Now… for PEACE

You may have noticed that during the past month (and especially the past week) things have been a little crazy out there in the world. Things started to change on Monday 15th when Venus moved into her own sign of Taurus, restoring the power of love and the power of the feminine. (Previously she’d been ‘on vacation’ in Aries where her powers are least effective)… … More It’s Time Now… for PEACE

Total Solar Eclipse in Scorpio: A Time For Deep Healing

The lunar occultation of Mercury will serve to quieten the mental ‘noise’ so you can be with your inner world. If you try and go against the tide and move your energy out into the world, you may find the ‘usual’ disrupts in communication or connection that a Mercury retrograde brings! A Solar Eclipse is another indication to shift direction in how we express our energy – instead of ‘putting out’ into the world, it is a time to move our energy inwards. … More Total Solar Eclipse in Scorpio: A Time For Deep Healing

Mercury, The Moon, and The Inner Journey of Virgo

After the Moon has done her earlier work in Cancer, creating the conditions for us to transform negative emotions into positive altruistic states such as compassion, she returns in Virgo to teach us how to flow the subtle physical energies of compassion through the subtle channels that have been created by Mercury. Again this is a two-way street that speaks to the highest purpose of Virgo. Through the channels created by Mercury and under the conditions created by the Moon, we experience a greater expansion of Divinity into physical form and come one step closer to experience our Soul: that ‘droplet’ of Divinity which resides within each of us. Likewise as a result of the expansion of the Human Heart and a greater flow of human compassion, there is a greater experience of human potential, within the Divine. … More Mercury, The Moon, and The Inner Journey of Virgo

Mercury, Venus and The Inner Journey of Gemini

Gemini season is especially important for all Humanity, in terms of spiritual awakening, and if you have Gemini or Sagittarius strongly placed in your chart it takes on a note of personal significance for you. It is potentially a time to open your heart and make the greatest shift in perception: to that of heart-centered living. … More Mercury, Venus and The Inner Journey of Gemini

Mars, Mercury, and The Inner Journey of Aries

The planets play a vital role in this conditioning of our Soul and three planets have an important relationship with Aries: Mars, Mercury and Uranus. At the personality level Mars is the primary energy providing the motivating, driving force. Mars is related to the ‘vital body’ and brings life-force energy into physical existence. It provides the motivation, power, and movement, that causes the tender shoot to break out of the dark womb-like seed, to strive against the earth and stones, against all odds, to reach the light. … More Mars, Mercury, and The Inner Journey of Aries