Gemini-Sagittarius: The Sacred Marriage of Love and Wisdom (Part 1)

At the level of our lower mind, it is the influence of Mercury that creates polarities, by focusing on our differences and creating the illusion of separation. At one stage of our development this is a necessary precursor to the process of individuation – development of the individual. If it were not for our ability to separate for example, we’d never cut the umbilical cord and stride out on our own, separate from our mothers! … More Gemini-Sagittarius: The Sacred Marriage of Love and Wisdom (Part 1)

The 6 Energy Polarities of the Zodiac

On a Soul level the polarities take on a new meaning. They speak more of a journey…. as the Tibetan says (through Alice Bailey in “The Labours of Hercules: An Astrological Interpretation”) “what begins in Aries is resolved in Libra” .. so this speaks to evolution, development, and a journey upon which we acquire skills and knowledge for our Soul’s growth.
“We may break a piece of magnetized steel as often as we like, we shall never be able to separate the positive from the negative pole; each fragment will always have both. This shows that polarity is an aspect of unity, not an arbitrary duality but an inseparable whole” … More The 6 Energy Polarities of the Zodiac