Sagittarius Rising: The Sagittarius Soul

In Esoteric Astrology we are told that the fire signs bring 3 gifts. In Aries we have the gift of existence; in Leo we have the gift of opportunity through individuality and in Sagittarius we have the gift of power… … More Sagittarius Rising: The Sagittarius Soul

Sagittarius-Gemini: Silence… and the Love of Wisdom (Part 2).

In terms of the Soul’s journey through the Zodiac, Sagittarius has been described as a ‘chrysalis’ stage1. Once a caterpillar turns into a chrysalis, everything inside dissolves into fluid, and is reconstructed into a butterfly. Contrary to popular myth this is not a ‘latent’ phase of development but indeed a very clear, powerful and active stage. After all is broken down and turned to fluid in Scorpio, the “three aspects of Divinity”1 become visible, and the way forward is known. … More Sagittarius-Gemini: Silence… and the Love of Wisdom (Part 2).

Sagittarius-Gemini: Silence… and the Love of Wisdom (Part 1).

The true Mastery that is required of Sagittarius is to turn his attention inwards and master his own thoughts, words and deeds. Symbolized by the Archer, or Hunter, it is quite typical of Sagittarian energy to latch onto one goal, purpose, or idea, and get totally lost down the rabbit hole, tracking down his target while being blinded to all that is around him. By accessing the diffuse, eclectic, energy of his opposite sign Gemini, Sagittarius learns to lift his head above the parapet and consider all the options, be less one-sided and become aware of the multi-dimensional facets of Life. By going within, and realizing the multi-dimensional aspect of his true nature, Sagittarius eventually learns to discern truth from opinion, and finds that which he is seeking: true love-wisdom. … More Sagittarius-Gemini: Silence… and the Love of Wisdom (Part 1).