2013: Year of The Water Snake and a Grand Water Trine

When the element of water dominates the theme is always one of mastering our emotions. This means that we may experience circumstances that catalyze us collectively into ever expanding degrees of emotional awareness, emotional intelligence, emotional resilience, emotional competence and emotional literacy. The ability to deal with negative emotions like jealousy and anger and cultivate positive ones like empathy and afection. These are stepping stones in humanity’s journey towards limitless compassion. … More 2013: Year of The Water Snake and a Grand Water Trine

The Moon, Neptune, and the Inner Journey of Cancer

It is the conditioning effect of the Moon on the masses that leads to these tides of emotion, and humanity’s lack of skill in the emotional realm that leads to conflict. As the Moon continues to do her work humanity will become more open to acknowledging emotions and more skilful in handling our emotional experiences. This will pave the way for us to be receptive to the energy of Neptune, which will awaken us to our true spiritual nature. It is through the gateway of our emotions that we will begin this stage of our journey. Before we can even come close to receiving the energy of Neptune, we need to become much gentler in spirit! … More The Moon, Neptune, and the Inner Journey of Cancer

Scorpio-Taurus: The Sacred path of The Spiritual Warrior (Part 2)

The Soul’s journey through the sign of Scorpio is indeed a ‘rite of passage’ for our collective spiritual evolution. The Scorpio group of Souls play a vital role in the evolution of human consciousness by freeing the energy that humanity has tied up in negative and self-serving emotional states, so it can be reused for spiritual transformation. … More Scorpio-Taurus: The Sacred path of The Spiritual Warrior (Part 2)

Scorpio-Taurus: The Sacred Path of The Spiritual Warrior (Part 1)

Now we have some keys to understanding the soul-path of Scorpio: the need to do battle, and the nature of ‘the enemy’. The fully integrated Scorpio has Mastery over the Kundalini energy – the spiritual fire that burns off all illusion: illuminating and clearing the pathway to our spiritual goal. … More Scorpio-Taurus: The Sacred Path of The Spiritual Warrior (Part 1)