The Lunar North Node And Your Spiritual Journey

The following is my response to Pat Paquette of, when she recently asked what would happen if the North Node was conjunct the Ascendant…

In a recent post, I explained how your Lunar North Node is like a prescription for changing your past-life conditioning. Your Ascendant is your Soul Vibration, while your North Node indicates a possible pathway that supports your Soul’s development by breaking the patterns of past-life conditioning (your South Node). Your North Node is not your Soul’s essence, but rather a spiritual path of choice.

Remember the Moon doesn’t actually possess any “nodes!” Meaning they aren’t actually physical things. They are points in space, on the ecliptic, where the Moon intersects the path of the Sun. This tells me two things: first, they can be regarded as “trailmarkers” pointing to a well-worn path, and second, they intersect the path of the Sun, meaning they want our attention. They are a “heads up” for our spiritual journey, because they are showing us where we have recurring patterns that limit us at the personality level.

So what happens when the North Node and Ascendant are in the same sign?

In this case, there is increased potential for the individual concerned to transcend the personality vibration of the sign and shift into alignment, spiritual awakening and fusion of the Soul and personality. For this to happen, the individual still has to choose the path that is presented to them, shift their attention inwards, and be open to developing their senses and perceptual capacity. Again, just like a prescription, in this case it might have a faster effect, but only if you take all the medicine!

Once you choose a spiritual path or practice, as indicated by your North Node, this maximizes the potential for you to not only hear your Soul’s calling, but to transcend the personality attachments of the sign and give full expression to the Soul vibration of the sign. The North node in this position indicates that of all the possible spiritual paths and teachers available, one that invites the individual to develop these qualities would be most effective. However, our focus must always be one of going within, if we are to make spiritual progress.

For example, let’s say the North Node and Ascendant are both in Gemini. The personality ruler of Gemini is Mercury, but the Soul ruler is Venus*. Both planets are said to have a lower and higher vibration. Well, to be more accurate, it’s the same energy but is perceived differently, depending upon the individual’s level of consciousness and perception. Depending upon your own degree of spiritual progress, you would be more influenced by the personality ruler or the Soul ruler of that sign.

So through undertaking typical Gemini activities of writing, speaking, and communicating, the spiritually (inwardly) inclined individual could gradually experience a spiritual opening. There is the potential to experience a shift in their perception from the purely rational mind, with its lower Mercurial qualities of merely “passing along information,” to a place where they integrate their higher, intuitive mind and the higher purpose of Mercury: opening themselves more fully to intuition and creating a bridge to higher mind**. As a result they will develop an ability to perceive, receive and convey the higher Venusian vibrations of transpersonal, unconditional, Love and right relations.

Our spiritual journey is one of exploring our inner world, opening our heart and mind to higher possibilities and recognizing Divinity, within ourselves. The very word “esoteric” derives from the Greek root “eso,” which means “within” (as compared with exoteric Astrology, derived from the Greek root “exo,” which means “inclined outwards”).

Soul Astrology and Esoteric Astrology are the Astrology of our inner world, our spiritual journey. Given that our personality is a mask we wear to interact with the outside world, when we begin to move deeply inwards on our Soul Journey, it stands to reason that our Natal Chart takes on a deeper significance.

“I hope that you understand what the word “spiritual” really means.
It means to search for, to investigate, the true nature of the mind.
There’s nothing spiritual outside.
My rosary isn’t spiritual; my robes aren’t spiritual.
Spiritual means the mind,
and spiritual people are those who seek its nature.”

Lama Thubten Yeshe

In Esoteric Astrology,* it is said that, in terms of our spiritual development, each of us is either on the “Mutable Cross,” the “Fixed Cross” or the “Cardinal Cross.” The Mutable Cross means we are wholly personality-driven, with no experience of our Soul. The Fixed Cross means we are awakening, and although we are still largely personality-driven, we’re beginning to awaken and have some Soul Awareness. Those on the Cardinal Cross are fully awakened, in the fact that they have completed the process of Soul Integration; the fusion of Soul and personality is complete, and they are Soul-Centred Beings.

Few people on the planet are on the Cardinal Cross, and those that are, are highly enlightened spiritual teachers. However, many of us are beginning the journey from the Mutable Cross to the Fixed Cross as we go deeper into our spiritual journey and seek to experience for ourselves the truth of our Soul.

There is no way for an Astrologer to tell just by looking at a chart whether a Soul is on the Mutable, Fixed or Cardinal Cross. This can only be deduced by learning about the character of the person and through the use of intuition. For example we might deduce that someone like the Dalai Lama would be on the Cardinal Cross, because of his highly developed spiritual realizations, but in reality only he would know.

The purpose of our spiritual journey is to progress from the externally-focused Mutable Cross, with its emphasis solely on personality, to the internally-focused Cardinal Cross, in which we have full fusion of personality and Soul. It is a very gradual, inner journey, and the lunar North Node is acting as a pointer to steer us away from repeating habits that could keep us attached to personality and stuck on the Mutable Cross for longer than we need to be.

It is time to wake up and evolve. It is a challenge, and there are no guarantees. We can still get it wrong if we undertake North Node activity in a very externally-focused and personality driven way, with our attention “inclined outwards!” Your North Node is pointing the way to avoid repeating past habits, and this will be most effective if you also shift your focus and “incline inwards.” To benefit fully, you need to keep turning your attention inwards and familiarise yourself with your inner world.

* Esoteric Astrology (1951) by Alice Bailey. Lucis Press, London. The work of The Tibetan (Master DK) as channeled through Alice Bailey.

**  In Esoteric Astrology, Mercury is said to play an important part in the development of the inner “antahkarana” or Rainbow Bridge, which (once fully developed) will connect us to our own higher consciousness or Higher Self.


Ruth Hadikin is a Soul Path Coach, Author and Soul Astrologer.

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7 thoughts on “The Lunar North Node And Your Spiritual Journey

  1. Hi Ruth, my name is Jordan. I’m really interested in the difference between the north node/south node and the ascendant and it is sometimes hard to find explanations of questions like this on the internet. One thing that I would LOVE for you to comment on is the DRACONIC CHART. Can you come up with your philosophy of the draconic chart? I’d really like to see what your opinion is of it in relation to the north node/south node and the ascendant, where does it stand? What does it mean? I’m still not really sure how its calculated or what it means. I just know that it seems to be really revealing, but many people say its your “soul”, I don’t think I believe that, but I do think it is somehow important. If the north node is subtracted from the natal chart to calculate it would that be your past life or what? Thank you. Please help! Love your post.

    1. Hello Jordan, the Draconic Chart s not something I’m familiar with, and I don’t have a philosophy on any Astrological Knowledge.

      I use Esoteric Astrology as a foundation, because it came to me through following a series of synchronistic events. If I have a philosophy (and I’m not sure this qualifies as a philosophy!) it would be to pay attention to synchronicity, following your intuition and resonance!

      In Esoteric Astrology, The Tinetan (Master DK) was pretty clear that Astrologers at that time (1940’s) were limited in their view, because human consciousness had not yet evolved to comprehend fully the role of energy and the science of triangles.

      Ultimately it is about expanding our perception, and then reviewing our understanding of Astrology with new eyes. This seems to be going off your point but it really isn’t – you have some experience and understanding of the Draconic system, so now the way forward is to go within.

      Check your own intuition, listen to your inner voice and follow your guidance – you are part of the new wave of Astrologers, as we all are, who will be following our inner guidance to create the Astrology of the future.

      With deep respect and blessings for you on your journey, Ruth.

  2. Also, I would just like to know what do you think of persona charts? Now that I have learned how to use them I don’t ever look at someone’s chart without looking at the persona chart (If I have the birth time). At first, I thought the persona charts were too much chaos to use, but then I learned that you need to use the chart ruler, or which planet is the strongest in a chart, and you will find a chart that amazingly accurate to someone! What’s also interesting is that the persona chart of the north node always has a strong presence of whatever sign someone is attracted to and what kind of life someone is attracted to and the persona chart of the ascendant is also very accurate of the personality(although the birth time must very accurate with the ascendant persona)!!! I love using the persona charts I just wish I had a better philosophy of why it works. Just wondering. Thanks, Jordan.

    1. Once again Jordan, be your own philosophy – follow your inner guidance system, and trust that you are in the right place. Maybe YOU will create the philosophy! Warmly, Ruth

  3. i don’t understand why the ascendant ruler of gimini is mercurius and the ruler of the north node is of gimini is venus

    1. Hi Carine,

      Thank you for your great comment.

      Just to clarify – it’s not that the North Node ruler of Gemini is Venus… in Soul Astrology most signs (although there are exceptions) have two planetary rulers – the planetary ruler at personality level, and the ruler at soul level.

      So for Gemini, Mercury is the personality ruler and Venus is the Soul ruler. So it is not about the North Node at all, but rather about the personality and soul rulership of Gemini.

      You can read more about this in my free eBook “Your Essential Guide To Soul Astrology” which you can download here:

    2. Hi Carine,

      The ruler of the North Node (NN) isn’t always Venus – that would depend on what sign the NN is in.

      But in the example I gave, where the NN and Ascendant are both in Gemini the ‘ruling planets’ would be the rulers of Gemini.

      Where things can sometimes get confusing is that in Esoteric Astrology there are different rulerships for the personality and Soul levels – so the ‘normal’ personality ruler of Gemini is Mercury, and the ‘esoteric’ or Soul ruler of Gemini is Venus.

      Hope that helps! 🙂

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