The 6 Energy Polarities of the Zodiac

© Rudi Jetten | Dreamstime Stock Photos

I love making connections between things… and recently my attention keeps returning to the polarities…

(for those who are new to astrology there are 6 energy polarities: Aries-Libra, Taurus-Scorpio, Gemini-Sagittarius, Cancer-Capricorn, Leo-Aquarius and Virgo-Pisces)

On a practical level, we can think of them as being two ends of a ‘see-saw’ that we can use to help us gain balance in our own personal development. For example as a Gemini I am just a total Magpie when it comes to seeking and collecting information! Gemini gathers information, but is quite indiscriminate, which can cause confusion, overwhelm, and result in wasted time and energy. The solution is for me to move up the ‘see-saw’, closer to the Sagittarius end.. where the Archers’ skill of being able to focus on a goal, shoot the arrow at it and bring it home, is a powerful antidote to Gemini’s unfocused information-gathering.

On a Soul level the polarities take on a new meaning. They speak more of a journey…. as the Tibetan says (through Alice Bailey in “The Labours of Hercules: An Astrological Interpretation“) “what begins in Aries is resolved in Libra” .. so this speaks to evolution, development, and a journey upon which we acquire skills and knowledge for our Soul’s growth.

“We may break a piece of magnetized steel as often as we like, we shall never be able to separate the positive from the negative pole; each fragment will always have both. This shows that polarity is an aspect of unity, not an arbitrary duality but an inseparable whole”

– Lama Anagarika Govinda

Polarities are something that most people are unaware of , even those with a little knowledge of Astrology. And yet they can be so useful on a practical level, in everyday life. We’re often (though not always) attracted to our opposite sign because they appear to possess qualities we think we lack.

The ‘honey trap’ is that we could always rely on the other to provide those qualities in the relationship and fail to develop them in ourselves.

For example if we are a practical, methodical Capricorn, and our partner is a loving, nurturing Cancerian, we might always rely on them to provide the emotional strength and they might always rely on us to be practical, down-to-earth, and resourceful. So we remain polarized and never recognize these qualities within ourselves. Yet if we understand that we have the same energy – just at the opposite end of the ‘see-saw’,  we can see how, by developing those qualities in ourselves, we can move toward the center, and bring ourselves into balance. This elevates the relationship to a new level. Where two balanced partners are in relationship each individual is less ‘needy’ and both can contribute more to the relationship.

So start learning the qualities of your opposite sign, and see where you could integrate those qualities into your own life!

I’d love to hear your experiences of all your relationships, working partnerships, friendships etc. with your opposite signs!


Ruth Hadikin is a Soul Path Coach, Author and Soul Astrologer.

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