Planets Are Embodied Consciousness

#soulastrology #soulplanet In the Tibetan tradition, it is said that everything manifests from the dharmakaya (wisdom body) realm, via the sambhogakaya (energy/light body) realm into the nirmanakaya (physical body) realm. In other words, from the Divine formless realm of pure awareness there is first a movement into subtle form: a thought, an impulse, which then … More Planets Are Embodied Consciousness

Mars, Mercury, and The Inner Journey of Aries

The planets play a vital role in this conditioning of our Soul and three planets have an important relationship with Aries: Mars, Mercury and Uranus. At the personality level Mars is the primary energy providing the motivating, driving force. Mars is related to the ‘vital body’ and brings life-force energy into physical existence. It provides the motivation, power, and movement, that causes the tender shoot to break out of the dark womb-like seed, to strive against the earth and stones, against all odds, to reach the light. … More Mars, Mercury, and The Inner Journey of Aries