Jupiter, Neptune, Pluto, and The Inner Journey of Pisces

The ‘World Savior’ referred to here is the recognition of humanity’s true role in respect to our Mother Earth, when we have fully blossomed as a species and all our hearts beat as one, as the ‘sacred heart’ of humanity in Pisces. … More Jupiter, Neptune, Pluto, and The Inner Journey of Pisces

The Moon, Neptune, and the Inner Journey of Cancer

It is the conditioning effect of the Moon on the masses that leads to these tides of emotion, and humanity’s lack of skill in the emotional realm that leads to conflict. As the Moon continues to do her work humanity will become more open to acknowledging emotions and more skilful in handling our emotional experiences. This will pave the way for us to be receptive to the energy of Neptune, which will awaken us to our true spiritual nature. It is through the gateway of our emotions that we will begin this stage of our journey. Before we can even come close to receiving the energy of Neptune, we need to become much gentler in spirit! … More The Moon, Neptune, and the Inner Journey of Cancer

What Is Happening in the Universe?

For those of us still here, dealing with the loss of loved ones is part of our own path, and our healing. The changes we are currently experiencing are to help ‘soften’ our ego’s and open our hearts – preparing us to receive a major influx of heart-energy that happens with the powerful Venus Transit on June 5/6th this year (2012) which will increase our capacity for compassion toward one another, but we still need to make conscious choices, work through our own ‘stuff’ and choose the path of peace and love. … More What Is Happening in the Universe?

A Significant Point in The Evolution of Human Consciousness?

Could it be that our collective wounds are being brought to the light and magnified in a potentially very healing energy field right now, to open all of our hearts that we may flow loving kindness toward each other, and thereby know our spiritual connectedness to be a living reality? … More A Significant Point in The Evolution of Human Consciousness?