The Dawning of Your Life

Your Rising Sign (Ascendant) is the essence of your Soul, and so it comes first. It is because your Soul is already resonating to a specific vibration that it can incarnate at a specific time and place, which matches that vibration. As we mentioned earlier, in astrology the Rising Sign is the sign that was … More The Dawning of Your Life

Pisces-Virgo: The Healing Heart (Part 2)

It is under the influence of Pisces that each ‘cell’ in the Sacred Heart of Humanity, each ‘drop’ in the ocean of consciousness, ripens, matures, and starts beating ‘in synch’ with the Divine. Such is the magnificence and importance of Pisces. There isn’t much that can be said that offers consolation to the personality. Pisces is associated with death because there is a symbolic death. Symbolically, the personality ‘dies’ in this sign – it ‘fuses’ with the Soul as the individual becomes fully Soul-Centered. … More Pisces-Virgo: The Healing Heart (Part 2)

Pisces-Virgo: The Healing Heart (Part 1)

The sign of Pisces embodies oceanic consciousness. Water signs are all about Mastery of emotions and mutable signs are all about change, so that gives us a clue to the higher purpose of this sign. Collectively, under the influence of Pisces, we are here to transform through our emotions. As the sign of oceanic consciousness Pisces is aware of, and experiences, the consciousness of humanity. This is why Pisces has the reputation of being the most sensitive sign of all. … More Pisces-Virgo: The Healing Heart (Part 1)

Aquarius-Leo: The Flow of Love and The Flowering of Human Consciousness (Part 2)

The powerful energies of Love and Life which flow through the fully integrated Aquarian Soul, have accumulated over many lifetimes spent transforming fear and negative thought patterns, while cultivating life-force energy, unconditional love and compassion. The Buddha used the analogy of ‘untying knots’ to explain our spiritual process. As we re-trace our steps on our inner journey home, we undo all the ‘knots’ of our own pain and suffering. This experiential learning is first grasped mentally, synthesized emotionally, then fully integrated physically. We cannot skip over it, or by-pass this pathway. … More Aquarius-Leo: The Flow of Love and The Flowering of Human Consciousness (Part 2)

Aquarius-Leo: The Flow of Love and The Flowering of Human Consciousness (Part 1)

The humanitarianism of Aquarius refers to a higher state of awareness: not as an idealized philosophy but as a realization of spiritual truth rooted in personal experience.

“Esoteric Astrology concerns itself primarily with the unfoldment of consciousness” – Alice Bailey

At this level, specific attributes of Higher Mind begin to unfold: clairvoyance, clairaudience, omniscience and telepathy. It is a higher vibration, a higher frequency, than we can currently comprehend from this stage of our evolution. In Esoteric Astrology six ‘stages’ of consciousness are outlined… … More Aquarius-Leo: The Flow of Love and The Flowering of Human Consciousness (Part 1)

Capricorn-Cancer: The Creation Of Heaven On Earth (Part 2)

Then it is again the role of Cardinal energy to direct the released energy into new forms. This describes the cycle of life, and the unique role of each Zodiac sign as one unfolds into another throughout the year. So it is the highest Soul purpose of Capricorn to take the lead in directing light into form. In this critical time of the Pluto transit, the old structures are dissolving while the higher octave of Cardinal Earth sign Capricorn, is directing us in creating new structures that more appropriately serve our future selves as spiritual, Soul-centered Beings. … More Capricorn-Cancer: The Creation Of Heaven On Earth (Part 2)

Capricorn-Cancer: The Creation Of Heaven On Earth (Part 1)

Hidden deep within the mysteries of Capricorn are vast undiscovered metaphysical sciences. Sacred arts, including sacred geometry and alchemy are just the ‘tip of the iceberg’. Capricorn is the sign of precision engineering, and while many Capricorns do indeed use their innate knowledge of physical matter to engineer the physical realm, the highest octave of Capricorn involves engineering light. Capricorn is here to utilize spiritual resources to build heaven on Earth, and beyond! But Capricorn can never access this highest potential with her nose stuck in an accounting book. … More Capricorn-Cancer: The Creation Of Heaven On Earth (Part 1)

Sagittarius-Gemini: Silence… and the Love of Wisdom (Part 2).

In terms of the Soul’s journey through the Zodiac, Sagittarius has been described as a ‘chrysalis’ stage1. Once a caterpillar turns into a chrysalis, everything inside dissolves into fluid, and is reconstructed into a butterfly. Contrary to popular myth this is not a ‘latent’ phase of development but indeed a very clear, powerful and active stage. After all is broken down and turned to fluid in Scorpio, the “three aspects of Divinity”1 become visible, and the way forward is known. … More Sagittarius-Gemini: Silence… and the Love of Wisdom (Part 2).

Sagittarius-Gemini: Silence… and the Love of Wisdom (Part 1).

The true Mastery that is required of Sagittarius is to turn his attention inwards and master his own thoughts, words and deeds. Symbolized by the Archer, or Hunter, it is quite typical of Sagittarian energy to latch onto one goal, purpose, or idea, and get totally lost down the rabbit hole, tracking down his target while being blinded to all that is around him. By accessing the diffuse, eclectic, energy of his opposite sign Gemini, Sagittarius learns to lift his head above the parapet and consider all the options, be less one-sided and become aware of the multi-dimensional facets of Life. By going within, and realizing the multi-dimensional aspect of his true nature, Sagittarius eventually learns to discern truth from opinion, and finds that which he is seeking: true love-wisdom. … More Sagittarius-Gemini: Silence… and the Love of Wisdom (Part 1).

Scorpio-Taurus: The Sacred path of The Spiritual Warrior (Part 2)

The Soul’s journey through the sign of Scorpio is indeed a ‘rite of passage’ for our collective spiritual evolution. The Scorpio group of Souls play a vital role in the evolution of human consciousness by freeing the energy that humanity has tied up in negative and self-serving emotional states, so it can be reused for spiritual transformation. … More Scorpio-Taurus: The Sacred path of The Spiritual Warrior (Part 2)